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大神田淳子, 桐山寛生, 春日重光, 入枝泰樹, 木下俊則



高野義孝, 入枝泰樹, 池田恭子



須藤雄気, 本間道夫, 入枝泰樹



Can the chloroplast division machinery be evolutionarily dated back to bacteria?
Atlas of Science (2018)

Hiroki Irieda, Daisuke Shiomi



(ISSN: 2187-4948), 10(4): 5-10 (2022)

入枝泰樹* *Corresponding author

(株)エヌ・ティー・エス, 自己組織化ハンドブック, 365-374 (2009)
入枝泰樹, 太田徳子, 川岸郁朗


Emerging roles of motile epidermal chloroplasts in plant immunity

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(7): 4043 (2022)

Hiroki Irieda* *Corresponding author

Preinvasive nonhost resistance of Arabidopsis against melanized appressorium-mediated entry of multiple nonadapted Colletotrichum fungi

Plant Signaling & Behavior, 17(1): e2018218 (2022)

Hiroki Irieda* *Corresponding author


バイオサイエンスとインダストリー (ISSN: 0914-8981), 79(6): 462-466 (2021)

入枝泰樹* *Corresponding author

Epidermal chloroplasts are defense-related motile organelles equipped with plant immune components

Nature Communications, 12: 2739 (2021)

Hiroki Irieda*, Yoshitaka Takano *Corresponding author


Nature CommunicationsEditors' Highlightsに選出されました

信濃毎日新聞, 中日新聞, 長野日報, 読売新聞, 科学新聞に紹介記事が掲載されました

Conserved fungal effector suppresses PAMP-triggered immunity by targeting plant immune kinases
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,116(2): 496-505 (2019)
Hiroki Irieda, Yoshihiro Inoue, Masashi Mori, Kohji Yamada, Yuu Oshikawa, Hiromasa Saitoh, Aiko Uemura, Ryohei Terauchi, Saeko Kitakura, Ayumi Kosaka, Suthitar Singkaravanit-Ogawa, Yoshitaka Takano


☆Faculty Opinionsの推薦論文に選出されました

☆信濃毎日新聞, 京都新聞, 北國新聞に紹介記事が掲載されました

日本植物病理学会植物感染生理談話会論文集 (ISSN: 1345-8086), (53): 120-131 (2018)
入枝泰樹*, 高野義孝, 塩見大輔 *Corresponding author

Bacterial heterologous expression system for reconstitution of chloroplast inner division ring and evaluation of Its contributors
International Journal of Molecular Sciences,19(2): 544 (2018)
Hiroki Irieda*, Daisuke Shiomi* *Corresponding author

炭疽病菌の植物感染戦略とエフェクター: 繋がる・繋げる・植物感染生理ネットワーク
日本植物病理学会植物感染生理談話会論文集 (ISSN: 1345-8086), (52):53-62 (2017)
高野義孝, 入枝泰樹, Suthitar Singkaravanit-Ogawa, Nur Sabrina Ahmad Azmi, 山田晃嗣, 奥田竜太, 石塚隼也, 田中左恵子, 井上喜博

ARC6-mediated Z ring-like structure formation of prokaryote-descended chloroplast FtsZ in Escherichia coli
Scientific Reports, 7: 3492 (2017)
Hiroki Irieda, Daisuke Shiomi

Identification and characterization of virulence-related effectors in the cucumber anthracnose fungus Colletotrichum orbiculare
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 95: 87-92 (2016)
Hiroki Irieda, Yoshitaka Takano

Focal effector accumulation in a biotrophic interface at the primary invasion sites of Colletotrichum orbiculare in multiple susceptible plants
Plant Signaling & Behavior,11(2): e1137407 (2016)
Hiroki Irieda, Suthitar Ogawa, Yoshitaka Takano

Colletotrichum orbiculare secretes virulence effectors to a biotrophic interface at the primary hyphal neck via exocytosis coupled with SEC22-mediated traffic
Plant Cell, 26(5): 2265-2281 (2014)
Hiroki Irieda, Hitomi Maeda, Kaoru Akiyama, Asuka Hagiwara, Hiromasa Saitoh, Aiko Uemura, Ryohei Terauchi, Yoshitaka Takano


Comparative genomic and transcriptomic analyses reveal the hemibiotrophic stage shift of Colletotrichum fungi
New Phytologist, 197(4): 1236-1249 (2013)
Pamela Gan, Kyoko Ikeda, Hiroki Irieda, Mari Narusaka, Richard J O’Connell, Yoshihiro Narusaka, Yoshitaka Takano, Yasuyuki Kubo, Ken Shirasu

☆化学工業日報, 山陽新聞に紹介記事が掲載されました

Photo-induced regulation of the chromatic adaptive gene expression by Anabaena sensory rhodopsin
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(39): 32485-32493 (2012)
Hiroki Irieda, Teppei Morita, Kimika Maki, Michio Homma, Hiroji Aiba, Yuki Sudo

Cell death of Nicotiana benthamiana is induced by secreted protein NIS1 of Colletotrichum orbiculare and is suppressed by a homologue of CgDN3

Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 25(5): 625-636 (2012)

Kae Yoshino, Hiroki Irieda, Fumie Sugimoto, Hirofumi Yoshioka, Tetsuro Okuno, Yoshitaka Takano

Large-scale gene disruption in Magnaporthe oryzae identifies MC69, a secreted protein required for infection by monocot and dicot fungal pathogens
PLoS Pathogens, 8(5): e1002711 (2012)
Hiromasa Saitoh, Shizuko Fujisawa, Chikako Mitsuoka, Akiko Ito, Akiko Hirabuchi, Kyoko Ikeda, Hiroki Irieda, Kae Yoshino, Kentaro Yoshida, Hideo Matsumura, Yukio Tosa, Joe Win, Sophien Kamoun, Yoshitaka Takano, Ryohei Terauchi

Structural characteristics around the β-Ionone ring of the retinal chromophore in Salinibacter sensory rhodopsin I

Biochemistry, 50(22): 4912-4922 (2011)

Hiroki Irieda, Louisa Reissig, Akira Kawanabe, Michio Homma, Hideki Kandori, Yuki Sudo

A microbial rhodopsin with a unique retinal composition shows both sensory rhodopsin II and bacteriorhodopsin-like properties
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286(8): 5967-5976 (2011)
Yuki Sudo, Kunio Ihara, Shiori Kobayashi, Daisuke Suzuki, Hiroki Irieda, Takashi Kikukawa, Hideki Kandori, Michio Homma

Phototactic and chemotactic signal transduction by transmembrane receptors and transducers in microorganisms
Sensors, 10(4): 4010-4039 (2010)
Daisuke Suzuki, Hiroki Irieda, Michio Homma, Ikuro Kawagishi, Yuki Sudo

Characterization of a signaling complex composed of sensory rhodopsin I and its cognate transducer protein from the eubacterium Salinibacter ruber
Biochemistry, 48(42): 10136-10145 (2009)
Yuki Sudo, Akiko Okada, Daisuke Suzuki, Keiichi Inoue, Hiroki Irieda, Makoto Sakai, Masaaki Fujii, Yuji Furutani, Hideki Kandori, Michio Homma

Control of chemotactic signal gain via modulation of a pre-formed receptor array

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281(33): 23880-23886 (2006)

Hiroki Irieda, Motohiro Homma, Michio Homma, Ikuro Kawagishi

☆Faculty Opinionsの推薦論文に選出されました

大腸菌走化性シグナル伝達機構 : タンパク質局在と相互作用を中心に
物性研究, 85(5): 668-684 (2006)
川岸郁朗, 入枝泰樹, 坂野聡美

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